The latest Klipper update is changing how the height map/bed mesh functions work. Below is a brief explanation and a solution to keep you printing without delay.
In short, the update removes automatic loading of the default bed mesh on print start. To resolve this, we have developed a macro which goes one step further in versatility. Our new Build Bed Mesh macro will automatically run the printer through the entire process of building a bed mesh for any user-entered temperature. This will work alongside some changes we made in the background to the Print_Start macro, which will select a mesh profile base on the filament profile's set bed temperature. By having a separate bed mesh for each material, a better first layer quality is achieved. This is possible as the temperature specific bed mesh profiles will now match the different printing temperatures.
You will want to make sure to update the elements client in the Update Manager, under the Machine tab. This is necessary to add the macro and updated files. You are also OK to update any other services, including Klipper.
As of the time of writing this, 2/2/2023, current elements shows the version like below.
Follow the embedded guide below to configure Mainsail and learn how to use the new macro.