This guide is for users that have purchased the Ender 7 Bed Stability Upgrade from Tiny Machines 3D.
We now offer the kit without linear rails so you can use your own or source them from another vendor.
You will need MGN12 single carriage in 390mm length.
If you purchased the kit without linear rails, note that the steel parts come unpainted. Thoroughly clean them with lacquer thinner or 99% isopropyl alcohol before painting them. We suggest a primer+paint combo like the following but you are welcome to be creative. Tag us on IG @tinymachines3d to show off your build!
Krylon COLORmaxx Spray Paint and Primer In One
Krylon Fusion All-In-One Spray Paint and Primer In One
Tools Needed:
Metric hex keys (hex screwdrivers work )
- M1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5
M5.5 combination wrench OR M5.5 nut driver
- Needle nose pliers can work (be careful)
Digital Dial Calipers or quality ruler
Idler Pulley Assembly
2x Printed Spacer 7.5 mm (top)
2x Printed Spacer 4.5 mm (bottom)
Idler Holder
3x 5 mm Dowel Pin
6x F695-2RS
6x 5×10×1 mm Shim
- Assemble idler pulley stacks as shown in images above
- Dowel pins should fit either way, but in some cases, we hand polished them. They should not require any force to fit inside the flanged bearings.
Step 2
Idler Nut & Pin Holder
Top Idler Plate (Acrylic)
Bottom Idler Plate (Steel)
Tension Screw Bracket
2x M5 Hex Nut
2x M5x35 SHCS
2x M5 Flat Washer
2x Aluminum 22 mm Spacer
1x M4x14 SHCS
- Press M5 nuts into the printed part (idler nut+ pin holder)
- Insert pulley stacks from step 1 into bottom idler plate
- Set the assembly on your work surface to make this easier
- Insert belt before putting on the acrylic top idler plate and fasteners
- If you have any difficulty, try to pre-assemble the top plate with M5x35 SHCS, M5 washers, and aluminum spacers then attach to bottom idler plate with pulley stacks installed.
Lead Screw and Support Assembly
Step 3
Hardware need for both sides:
2x Pillow Bearing Nut Retainer
2x Leadscrew Bearing Mount
2x Pillow Bearing
4x M4x10 BHCS
4x M4 Flat Washer
4x M4 Hex nut
- Build 2, identical sets of the lower bearing supports for the right and left lead screws
- Leave the pillow bearing set screws loose
Step 4
Hardware need for both sides:
2x MGN12 Linear Rail 390mm
2x Linear Rail Alignment Jig
2x Linear Block Mount
16x M3 T-Nut
16x M3x8 SHCS
4x M3x10 SHCS
- Linear rail is mounted with M3x8 SHCS and M3 T-nuts
- Use the 2 Linear rail alignment jigs to hold the rail square to the 4040 extrusion
- Rail sits flush at the bottom frame plate
- Linear Rail Block Mount is mounted with 4 of M3x10 SHCS
- Note the Threaded Inserts face up on both sides
Step 5
4x M5X25 SHCS
4x M5 Flat Washer
- The Idler pulley assembly mount in front of the C-beam extrusion
- Note, only take out the frame bolt needed to install the bracket to insure the frame stays in alignment
- Leave belt tensioner screw loose
Step 6
A | B |
C | D |
4xM3x8 SHCS
4xM3 Tnuts
8x M5X25 SHCS
8x M5 Flat Washer
- Do 1 side at at time. In this case, only take out the stock frame bolts on one side (See image A). Next, install the lead screw mounting plate on that same side before proceeding to the other side.
- Use the top bearing support and lead screw (See images B, C) to align the pillow bearing at the bottom. Next, fully tighten the M4 mounting screws for the pillow bearing. Then loosen the M3 screws holding the top bearing support then slide bearing suport to the top of the aluminum extrusion.
- After the bearing are aligned, remove the lead screws for the printer and remove the bearing for the top supports bearing form printed mounts
- Install the pulley 6 mm from the bottom of the lead screw
Bed Gantry Install
Step 7
Custom Bed Support Plate
Factory Bed Tray – reused
6x M4x6 SHCS – reused
4x M3x14 SHCS
6x M4 Flat Washer
8x M3 Split Lock Washers
4x M3 Nylock Hex Nut
- Install the custom bed support to the factory bed tray
- Center the side support plate with the stock Z carriage plate center cutouts
- Install the flanged part of the leadscrew nut with a lock washer below the plate and above the flange
- Fully tighten the Nylock nut and M3x14 SHCS then loosen 1.5 turns
Step 8
- Install lead screws into the Z carriage
- Anti-Backlash nut lower half needs to be partially started on the top of the lead screw before the lead screw is threaded into the top half of the lead screw nut.
- There should be little to no gap between the notch and tooth of the two halves of the lead screw nut. Do this for both sides. Then, thread the lead screw halfway up
Step 9
4xM4x10 BHCS – Leave loose till the end of the step
4x M4 Flat Washer
Belt Path