This guide is intended to help users update firmware from pre-compiled files. Currently, its primary purpose is to provide a workflow outline, but we plan to expand the guide soon. If you are not sure which machine or what upgrades you have, stop! If you purchased from Tiny Machines 3D, you can reach out to us for guidance. Unless you’ve made changes to your machine that require an update or there is a feature you need, you will not require a firmware update.


Touch Screen Machines

CR-10S Pro/V2, CR-X/Pro, CR-10 Max, Ender 5 Plus

Tools Needed

  • USB cable to connect a Windows or Mac computer to your 3D Printer
  • Micro SD card (32gb or less, formatted to FAT32, 4096/ 4kb)
  • Hex Updating Software (Prusa Slicer is suggested)
  • #1 Phillips Screwdriver to remove bottom cover/ access screen

  1. Establish COM connection between your computer and 3D Printer
    • If you cannot get a COM connection, stop and resolve before continuing
  2. Flash Firmware (.hex)
    • Using any AVR updater (Prusa Slicer is easiest) flash .hex file for your machine. Select .hex file - Select COM port - Click Flash (example)
  3. Flash Screen Firmware (dwin_set)
    • Power off- power cable unplugged - remove bottom cover - insert loaded micro sd card into screen - power on

12864 Screen Machines

CR-10/Mini/S/S4/S5, CR-10 V2/V3/V3 Plus, CR-20/Pro, Ender 3/Pro (pre 2021) Ender 5/Pro

Tools Needed

  • USB cable to connect a Windows or Mac computer to your 3D Printer
  • Hex Updating Software (Prusa Slicer is suggested)

  1. Establish COM connection between your computer and 3D Printer
    • If you cannot get a COM connection, stop and resolve before continuing
  2. Flash Firmware (.hex)
    • Using any AVR updater (Prusa Slicer is easiest) flash .hex file for your machine. Select .hex file - Select COM port - Click Flash (example)

32-bit Machines

Ender 2 Pro, Ender 3/Pro (2021) Ender 3 V2, CR-6 SE, CR-6 Max, upgraded machines

Tools Needed

  • Micro SD card (32gb or less, formatted to FAT32, 4096/ 4kb)
  • SD Card or Micro SD to SD Adapter (for mainboards that use SD) 
  • Computer to transfer files to SD Cards
  • 2mm hex driver to disassemble screen case/ access screen

  1. Flash Firmware (.bin)
    • Power off - power cable unplugged - insert loaded micro sd card into mainboard - power on
  2. Flash Screen Firmware (dwin_set)
    • Power off - power cable unplugged - disassemble screen cover - insert loaded micro sd card into screen - power on
    • For new versions of Ender 3 V2 + Ender 3 S1, you will need to have 2 folders on the SD card  

To see a video of the process, check out Chuck Hellebuyck's video on updating the firmware and screen on the Ender 3 V2

Be sure to use the firmware that is correct for your machine. If you're not sure, contact us, providing your order number. 

32-bit Machines NEW

Ender 3 S1, CR-10 Smart, CR-10 Smart Pro

Tools Needed

  • Micro SD card (32gb or less, formatted to FAT32, 4096/ 4kb)
  • SD Card or Micro SD to SD Adapter (for mainboards that use SD) 
  • Computer to transfer files to SD Cards
  • 2mm hex driver to disassemble screen case/ access screen

  1. Flash Firmware (.bin)
    • Power off - power cable unplugged - insert loaded micro sd card into mainboard - power on
    • For CR-10 Smart, see this video
    • For CR-10 Smart Pro, see this video
  2. Flash Screen Firmware (dwin_set)
    • Power off - power cable unplugged - disassemble screen cover - insert loaded micro sd card into screen - power on

To see a video of the process, check out Chuck Hellebuyck's video on updating the firmware and screen on the Ender 3 V2

Be sure to use the firmware that is correct for your machine. If you're not sure, contact us, providing your order number. 

Other Resources

Updating Firmware (.hex) with Prusa Slicer